Sunday, June 03, 2007

I'm gonna be in TROUBLE!!!

My grandmother... HATES having her picture taken... I got a few without her knowing...none of you in Indiana who reads this better tell her!!!!.... Here are MORE pictures from our trip..

This is the usual picture we get when we try to get a picture of her...
Cerah and her Great-Grandma Geri
Derek took this picture of me... asleep on the floor... :)
Derek and Cerah on Grandma Geri's front porch
What mom...can't you work the camera? Do I have to show you what to do??
Our mom is silly !!!

It was a quiet day around here. It rained all day so we stayed in the house..GREAT!!! Larry and Derek put up the kick plates in the basement and Cerah and I made chocolate chip cookies. Larry has to go back to work tomorrow. :( He said this is the first vacation that he's has and not gotten bored after the first 3 days. Our next vacation is to Virginia beach. In July... then we MIGHT have a mini vacation after Derek's birthday..Right Kim and Alex :) More details later...when we know for sure :)

A shout out to Holly... she's in Guatemala visiting her son... Massimo. Hurry home you guys.


Kim said...

I think a mini-vacation sounds perfect. :) Send some of those chocolate chip cookies my way - oh wait - I think I'm supposed to be losing weight. :)

Jennifer said...

That is sad that she wont let you take pictures. Doesn't she realize that you want the memories of the times with her?