Friday, June 22, 2007

Dirty girl ...... And a walking story

OK. so I had to bribe Derek to go to camp again this morning...I had to buy him a "CARS" car from Wal-Mart.... ONLY if he didn't cry......... He wanted DJ...all I could find was Sheriff.... GREAT how pissed is he gonna be. I guess since Larry is working late I may take him to the other Wal-Mart and see if we can find it there. CRAP......
Cerah has become a very people person...everyone she passes by she yells..Hi or HEY.... Good at least she didn't get the shy gene from her Dad..SORRY HUNNY!

Playing in a pot of dirt at Gaga's
Let's see how much I can get on myself
Cerah and Gaga after we came back from our walk...that I MADE her go on
More dirt please
What is this..... Did I find a worm???
After our walk here is mother..SMOKING how healthy is that after a walk
ME... Good grief look at that RED face... well maybe you can't tell how red it was BUT IT WAS !!!
The three girls back from a walk

OK...let me tell you the story about he walk. I live about 15 minutes from my mom and Larry was going to play basketball so I called her an asked if she wanted to go for a walk... her response... I GUESS
So I got to her house and she was cleaning the car. She asked step-dad...where her SANDALS were... I told her she better put some tennis shoes on. Her response: WHY
I told here this wasn't a walk around the block. So we started our walk and were almost finished. I asked her how far she thought we went..her response: OH I DON'T KNOW 6-7 MILES...
I just laughed under my breath... I knew it couldn't have been anymore than 2... So when Larry picked me up we drove the route we took...TOTAL 1.6
My Phone call to let her know:
Me: Mom it was 1.6 miles


Jennifer said...

That is so funny. I bet it felt good to get moving though. Tell her to get rid of those ciggies!!! Love the pictures

Cameo said...

hahahaha!!!!! And Asa has ALL the "Cars" cars. Now he's bored with them. But when he watches the movie he lines them all up.

Shannon said...

Ciggies!?!?! One of my Junky Trunk members? Oh no she didn't!!! You tell her I am going to be emailing her!!!

Take her on a few more of those walks and push her hard!! Then she'll realize what they are doing to her lungs!!!

GaGa, are you reading this??? YOU DON"T need'em!!!

PS-Cerah looks great with dirt!!! LOVE IT!!