Thursday, June 21, 2007

Funny kids and a SHOUT OUT...

For those of you who read this and don't know what that means... Sofia will be coming home to her forever family!!! Pgn is the final step before theses mommas can bring their little ones home. I have learned alot from Holly and have met alot of mommas trough the blogs. I tell you these are the STRONGEST women I know. I am blessed to have "met" them and been able to follow their journeys. Now..HURRY AND GET THE REST IF THOSE BABIES HOME!!!I have been "following" the stories of these cutie pies journeys and am SO happy when I hear one of them are coming home!!!
NOW I'm waiting to hear GREAT news from the rest of my FAVORITE mommas!!! I have my fingers crossed for all of you!!

Now to these funny kids of mine. I tell ya, everyday there is something new. I sometimes get in a bad mood because I feel like I can never get anything done. BUT, then these 2 seem to make it all disappear. They are the joy of my life and I look forward to everyday seeing their smiling faces..and hearing momma....... LOVE them
My little poser... He's flexing his abs... Last night I decided to TRY to jog around the block, he wanted to go. We got about half way and walked...then finished jogging the rest of the way... It was fun to have my little man along for the jog :)
Blurry...but OOOO SOOOO CUTE!!!
Recent pictures of them together... Cerah wasn't to excited about having another picture taken..
YAY a GOOD smile from both of them :)
OK.. I'm done...insert fingers back into mouth


Kim said...

You have GOT to have that middle picture of the kids framed!! How absolutely beautiful!! I can't wait to meet you guys!!!!!

Shannon said...

Those babies are so cute!! Well, Derek's not much of a baby anymore but he will always be your baby boy!!