Thursday, June 28, 2007

Momma and Cerah..... a new high school...doesn't like the highchair!

Some self pics of me and Cerah..she looks so HAPPY to be taking these with me....

OK..I said cheese now let me down...
Mom...I'm not liking this...
The new high's like a city!! HUGE!!!! They finally built a new high school. I went to the same high school my step-dad graduated from!! SAME BUILDING!! Now they have 2 high schools.... This years graduating class had 412!!!
Guess who doesn't like her high chair anymore!!! Now she has to sit at the table with us... or I have to strap her into her highchair so she doesn't crawl out onto the counter AGAIN!!
Ok... how do I get down... the one thing she hasn't figured out YET

1 comment:

Shannon said...

CUTE pics of you and Cerah!

She just wants to be a BIG GIRL Mommy and sit with the big kids!!