Friday, June 29, 2007

The Highchair Bandit..

Another GREAT day at "camp".. Derek went on a field trip to the caverns this morning... he had to be there by 8:15 !! Good grief he's hard to wake up !!! But he did great. I think he has his first crush :) He smiles and lights up anytime you say Miss Emily's name!!! He was soo excited he got to wear a t-shirt today that matched hers... they have t-shirts to wear when ever they go on field trips.

Now here is what Cerah does EVERY TIME you put her in her highchair...

Is she watching...can I get on the counter again??
What I didn't do anything.
I'm sneaky...stop watching me mom!!
Almost go her fooled!!!!
What's on TV..Is it Wonder Pets...??
Larry is on vacation next week. I think we're gonna go to the zoo in DC.... Haven't been in awhile. Rest of the time we're just gonna hang out and go swimming at Dale and Lorene's. We've decided to send Derek to camp on Monday and Tuesday..Ice cream day and Pool day!!!


EB said...

oh i love the zoo!! Cars is into standing up in his high chair to, little dare devils :-)

Kim said...

Look at your little monkey!! (by the way - I love the colors in your kitchen)