Friday, June 15, 2007

Nap Time Gone Wild.........

The other day I laid Cerah down for her nap.... 10:30...same time almost every day.... usually she's asleep in about 5 minutes. Well, this day it had been almost 45 minutes and she was still up and kind of crying. So I went to check on her...THIS is what I found..........

A sock missing....
And a diaper off!!! She took her diaper off...
Here mom..let me get it for you...This is my diaper...I didn't want to wear it anymore
Let's throw it back into the crib..

The BEST part is when I walked in she was saying..dipur...dipur... I asked her if she took her diaper off and she shook her head yes... THEN said PEE... the little fart peed in her bed!!!!

And in Derek news..he went to summer camp this morning and didn't cry...I did have to bribe him with a scratch ticket when I pick him up...maybe he'll forget..YEAH RIGHT
Hey Shannon..notice the psycho flower??


Cameo said...

How freakin' funny is that????? Love it!!! Of course I have yet to clean up pee, but I did have a HUGE diahrrea (sp?) mess that I actually had to go and buy a stinkin' carpet cleaner to clean up my ENTIRE living room!!!! So I guess after that a little pee would be a walk in the park.....

Jennifer said...

OMG She is a riot!! Love the color of her walls. Are you bribing your child with Lottery tickets????? You best not be teaching him that nasty habit at such a young age. That is awesome that he is able to go to camp.

Kim said...

I'm so laughing here!! (but then I didn't have to clean it up) I guess it could be worse.

Sweet To Our Seoul said...

This is so funny!! This morning I too went to get Mia out of bed, and there she lay sound asleep with her bare little bottom sticking up in the air with no diaper!! I found it under the covers. I guess somehow she shimmied out of it during the night. This is the first time this has ever happened!! Don't you love it when our kiddos give us a good laugh!!

JuJu - said...

Love the green walls!! How cute yet a pain our kiddos can be:)


Shannon said...

Gotta love the psycho flowers!!! LOL!!