Monday, June 18, 2007

Our little swimmers :)

Finally a day when we could get our pool... you know it's HUGE!!! Just kidding.. They had sooo much fun. Cerah didn't like it at first. But got used to it. Derek LOVED it.....

Still tooo cute
Doesn't want to get out
More pictures please
Let's get my hair wet...
Derek let me help you....
Now I'm gonna put water on my hair too...but I'm not putting my head in the water

I want out NOW!!!!
I'm getting out by myself...
OK..maybe not..... I think I'll stay in for a while longer


JuJu - said...

Soltana those pics are too cute!!
I love the pool pics - The pony tails and the bikini are too much!!!I cannot wait to meet your kids girly!! Oh yah and you too:):)

Your family is beautiful!!!!!!!


Cameo said...

Cerah's suit looks like Halle Berry's in the Bond movie!! What a little vixen she is!

Sweet To Our Seoul said...

Your right those pics are great!! Some of the best pics I've ever gotten of my kids are in the pool too!! :)