Saturday, June 30, 2007

Peeing in the tub...

This morning I was giving Cerah a bath...she stood up and peed!!! Then proceeded to watch...she almost fell head over heels bending over so far..SORRY NO PICS ... it happened so fast I almost missed it....
Funny Derek story.... I know Holly it's been awhile....
We went to play at the park on we could get out of the house before it rained. Derek and Cerah were having fun and all of a sudden Derek comes crying... I asked him what happened and he said he feel and hit his head. I looked and it looked like it was going to be pretty bad bump...but it wasn't. He asked me if it was bleeding..I told him no..( just a little bit..but didn't tell him..or he would have freaked out) On the way home this was the conversation:
Derek: Mom
Me: Yes
Derek: Do you know what I wanted to say when I hit my head?
Me: No what
Derek: Mom, I wanted to say shit but I know it's a bad word.. but mom..It really hurt

Have a great weekend... Cameo have a GREAT shower.....


Kim said...

Oh my gosh!! Well - at least Derek knows it's a bad word!! ;)

Candy said...

Hey girl I think Kya Blu holds her pee just for me in the tub...we co bath and she loves to pee on me when we are getting she even laughs about it. Hugs

Cameo said...

That's one of the funniest Derek story's EVAH!!!!!