Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Last night I was going through the older posts with my cousin Tina..from Indiana... when we got to the anniversary pics I saw that I said I was going to post the REAL proposal pictures so here they are:
First the story: Larry had already bought both my engagement ring and wedding band.. I was with him when he bought them. For months I would open the box and ask when I was getting my ring..I had waited 10 YEARS for this!!! He said when he's ready... Good grief you're still not ready after 10 years!!! Anywho... In November of 2003 we went to get our Christmas pictures taken... Tony and Jackie were with us as was Lorene and Keelie... No big deal I thought nothing of it... Keelie and Derek were getting their pictures together and Tony and Jackie were shopping.Well if you've ever been to The Picture People.. right before Christmas know how crazy it is... So our appointment has behind almost 1 hour. By this point Larry is pacing in the..Still no idea... he doesn't like a bunch of people... FINALLY we get our pictures done. When we're almost done he tells me he wants a picture of just me and him. I tell him no that's stupid we're here for a family picture.. Well then Lorene takes Derek and Larry gets on one knee... I START CRYING!!! He had already told the photographer and the rest of our group what was going on. So I said yes... Cried and we were married about a year later....

YAY I'm FINALLY getting my ring!!!
Crying girl... But I LOVE this picture!!!
Sorry Larry, I know you said no more pictures of you :)


Cameo said...

How freakin' romatic is THAT????? What an amazing story!!!! And which Cars cars does Derek not have?

EB said...

AWE How Sweet!!!!!!!