Thursday, June 14, 2007


First shout out goes to Holly (Gia and Nino's mom) Get better soon. I tell you this poor thing is feeling like crap. I talked to her yesterday and couldn't understand a word she said. I know it sucks to be sick. At least you have great family to take care of you.... you can send Gia here, I'll be more than happy to take care of her :) Feel better and gets lots of rest..

Cameo (Valentina's mom)..... Hope you have a great shower... THANKS FOR LETTING me know about it.... Great!! I told you I can take the place of the sick girl... sorry Holly.... You know I could always use a mini vacation !! ( Hope I spelled her name right...I'm not a very good speller..even with spell check :)

Kim ( Alex's mom)... Yes that was a Thomas blanket. You know kids always have softer blankets!!!

When I first started this blog..I told Holly..who helped me get it started... no one is gonna read this, no one cares... but now look... I have made some GREAT Friends... it sucks we all live soooo far apart. It would be great to get together sometime..Kim still working on July right??? If any of you are ever in Northern VA... let me know so we can maybe meet up!!! I LOVE meeting new people....


Kim said...

LOL! I thought that looked like Thomas you were snuggled up underneath!!

And yes, we are still on for July!! I can't wait!!! :)

Cameo said...

dude, my shower isn't until the 30th. You still have time!

HollyGee said...

Thanks dude...I have a master plan and need to tell you about it but you will have to wait until I can speak again.