Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It has FINALLY happened.....Cerah's first pageant....

First of has finally happened to Derek..HE HAS CUT HIS HAIR!!!!!!!! It's not really too bad. You can't tell unless you know he did it. I walked into the kitchen and he had the little scissors..he said.." I cut it 7 times"..OH great!!! But it's OK... I'm sure it could have been alot worse..

Now for Cerah. I'm entering her into the fair pageant.. you know I have too :)... I can't decide which dress to put her in. It only has to be Sunday best for her age group. Not one of those real fancy dresses. I also have to send in a picture for the program... Help me decide...




And now the pictures:



OK so I know the first one won't work :) but it was cute...if I take any others that I can use I'll be sure to post them... I have to have her registered by July 2


EDITED TO ADD: It wasn't a bad hair chuck taken out of the front or's like he pulled the top of his hair back an cut underneath...the "spot" is covered by other hair...but I'll try to get a pick for you... let me go find him :) Hopefully he hasn't found another pair of scissors :)


Cameo said...

ok, first of all, could Derek BE any cuter holding the dresses???? And her expression in #1, PRICELESS!!! I personally like dress #2 the best, but #3 is a close runner up. And so is #1. You picked out 3 solid dresses! Please don't turn into one of those horrible stage moms that you see on E! True Hollywood Story. Oh, and Derek cutting his hair... .LOVE IT!!!

A said...

I'm with Derek, I like #3.

I once had a hair stylist tell me that when kids cut their own hair it's cause they are trying to tell you they want a hair cut. LOL Of course this was after my daughter took the scissors to her shoulder length hair when she was 4!!

Kim said...

I also agree with Derek - I like #3. Where are the pictures of Derek's handywork?? ;)