Saturday, June 02, 2007

Visit with Baba and Dedo #2.... & A Tattoo poll

More pictures from Indiana. We went to visit my parents and brothers. We didn't get to see them too long while they were here visiting so we went to their house for a while. The kids had alot of fun. Especially when it was time to go out and see the pigeons... Dad's other family :)

Cerah warmed up to dad a little bit. She was really shy around him. She didn't want him holding her. But soon enough she was better
Me and my dad..I HATE this makes me look can't even see that I've lost that shirt is in the TRASH!!
Dad, me, Cerah and Ma
Dad, Cerah, Ma and George (my brother)...Doesn't he look like Tony???
Cerah and her Baba and Dedo
Derek and Cerah trying to go into the pigeon house
Get back Cerah, they'll fly right on you
What's going on here??
Ma and her babies

OK so now for the tattoo poll.. I REALLY want to get another tattoo. Don't know where or what of. The others are:
Little turtle on my ankle
Star around my belly button..realllllyyyyy cute since having 2 kids :)
My name and a butterfly on my left lower back
Fox (from the fox and the hound movie) upper right back ) I got that because they always say NEVER put the name of your husband or boyfriend as a I got a fox.. cause our last name is FOX..I'm soooo clever

I want something with the kids names ...maybe.. THIS IS A BIIIIGGGG DECISION!!!


Kim said...

Boy - I don't know. I went to get a tattoo in college with my roommate. She went first - I saw how painful it was and chickened out. :)

I would just say don't get a tramp stamp. :)

(and Alex and I have the cookie stuff all ready to go!!)

Cameo said...

I still say go with the ferry one... HAHAHAHA!!!! That has made me laugh all day! And yeah, that shirt needs to go, although I have my favorites that look HORRIBLE on me but I LOVE them. Mom actually stole a couple things from my house and threw them out..... And Kim, what the heck is a tramp stamp?

A said...

When I was ready to put my kids on my body with a tattoo, instead of the usual ribbon with there names I had three wolf cubs (cause my maiden name is wolf!) and above them is a mama wolf's head in a full moon. underneath the whole thing is 5 stones (married name is stone) so I have the whole family there without anyones names.

I say pick something that's special for each child and blend the two together.

I'll take a pic of my wolf tat and post it on my blog so you can see what I'm talking about. LOL

A said...

Just had another thought, why not get two fox pups beside the one you already have?

JuJu - said...

My son wants a tattoo and I told the oldest two that when they graduated we would get matching tattoos - not the day has come and I am too big of a baby -

You go girl!

I like the wolf cub idea:)


EB said...

oh i am getting another tattoo we should go together, lol

my sisternlaw has a really cool one upper middle back its flowers and then the girls name is around the top it is beautiful.

if you look in the pics from fall out boy in the pic where she is plunging the toliet, lol you can see it

i can get a better pci if you want a look