Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Visit with Uncle Mikey and Aunt Vena

We had fun visiting my aunt and uncle while we were in Indiana. They're not my "real" aunt and uncle but I love them as they were. And they have always loved me as if I were their own family. They have always shown me love since as long as I can remember. Even when I can back from Yugoslavia and spit at them... SORRY GUYS... and they love my kids and that's important to me. They're planning to move to Florida so when they do, we're going to any of you blogger pals out there..I'll let ya know and we can meet in person...

See fake aunt ARE GREAT!!!!

Cerah, Aunt Vena and Uncle Mikey... It was the first time they met her. Last time we were there we had just found out we were expecting. They where one of the few who knew..until we got past the safe stage
Me and Vena and Mikey
Me and My AUNT
Cerah doesn't know what to think
Derek, Uncle Mikey and Larry chatting. They didn't want to sit with the girls.
We also have a picture of Derek peeing in the yard. But decided not to put it on. Derek will pee anywhere... the funny part is he pulls his pants ALL THE WAY DOWN to go. Not just the front. So can you imagine what men think when they walk into a bathroom and see this little guy with his drawers all the way down to his ankles??

He's learning now how to do it the right way :)


Cameo said...

How cute of Derek!!! Josh (Asa's dad) refuses to show Asa how to pee standing up so my dad is doing that job. It cracks me up! And I'm so glad I wasn't alone in not knowing what a tramp stamp is!!!!

Kim said...

What is it with little boys and peeing outside?!? Every little boy I know has been facisnated by it. And I know Alex will be too - DH already does it when he's out in the barn and he doesn't want to come into the house. I'm sure Alex will be doing it soon enough!!

A said...

My son did the exact same thing!! We had to teach him, before he went to school, how to not yank it all down when he pees. I'm glad to say he has learned, to only pull down what's needed, although when at home and doing a doo-dee he takes his pants and underwear completely off!! LOL