Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Today is Derek's 5Th birthday!!! I can't believe he's already 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!

His birthday sign was hanging when he got up this morning... he got up and said "What's that for" and smiled :)
Birthday boy still sleeping!!!!!
Our first ultrasound... looks like a little alien...
15 minutes after BIG boy was born... Derek was 10 lbs and 1 oz...22 1/2 inches
Momma in A LOT of pain....
Dad and Gaga watching over me.... I couldn't wait to get my epidural
Derek's first the pumpkin patch
Derek's first snow... the year Derek was born was the first time in 10 years VA had a white Christmas
TOO cute....Easter picture
Potty all by himself!!!

1ST Birthday
2ND Birthday
3RD Birthday
4TH Birthday
This little man has brought sooo much joy into our lives.... I guess the whole 16 hours of labor and 2 1/2 hours of pushing was well worth it!!!!


Cameo said...

Aren't you a cool mom with the bday banner! I especially liked the birthday pictures thru the years. Thanks!

Kim said...

Happy Birthday Derek - Alex and I can't wait to come to your birthday party!!

(and Dumbledore is the wise, old headmaster of Hogwarts - He's a great alter ego!!)