Tuesday, July 10, 2007

OK... so I know it's been a few days.... WHERE HAVE I BEEN!!! I've been trying to get things ready for the big 5 birthday for little man.. I can't believe he's going to be 5 tomorrow :(
I PROMISE to post some new pictures in the morning..OK Julia :)

I got to talk to Kim the other day...such a nice person!! She and Alex are coming this way for Derek's party!!! I get to meet a blogger friend!! I'm soooo excited!!! Then at the end of August..we're going to KY to a football game and we get to visit them!!! WHOOOO HOOOO!!!

OK I have a HYSTERICAL Cerah story:
On Saturday I was shaving my legs.... sitting on the sit of the tub...Cerah comes into the bathroom and lifts the toilet seat..no big deal she's been doing it for awhile...she sees dad and Derek do it all the time..WELL I turn around and she has her shirt pulled up and she's holding her belly button (she has an outty) and is pretending to pee!!! All I could do was laugh!! I'm gonna try to get a picture of it next time!!

SAFE TRAVELS TO MY BLOGGER MOMMAS GOING TO SEE THEIR LITTLE ONES THIS WEEK AND NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!!!!Holly, Cameo, Trisha (already there) Melissa and Corey.... Did I forget anyone?? Sorry if I did!!!

And Congrats to Cameo and Norm... Miss V is out of FC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cameo said...

Hey you. Thanks for the shout out!!! The Cerah story is HILAROUS!!!! Be sure to take (and POST) lots of pics from Derek's party!!!!

Kim said...

Oh my gosh!! I can just see Cerah doing that - that's hillarious!!

I can't wait to see you (and your kids - oh and I guess Larry!). We are NO WHERE near packed - but Derek's birthday presents are wrapped, and I have a little something for all of you guys. ;) So I guess I have the important stuff!!

See you Sunday!!!!!