Sunday, July 15, 2007

I KNOW........ I KNOW.....

I said I wasn't posting today but.. I had to let you know how much fun we had!!! It was HOT but we had a blast.... AND we got to meet Kim and Alex.... Let me tell you how cute he is!!!! I love him to pieces already!!! I have pics I'll post tonight or tomorrow.... And Kim...TOTAL sweetheart!!! I can't wait until we go down to KY and see them. We'll get to spend more time together!!!
Not only did they bring Derek a present... she brought us ALL way cool KY shirts to wear to the game we're going to. AWESOME BLOGGER PAL!!!!

Hey Jay...we let her out of the basement to come home!! JUST KIDDING!!! You're a great dad to be concerned!!! We'll meet you soon tooo!!


JuJu - said...

SOLT - you are my adopted friend - so therefore you and your family are involved in adoption and are cordially invited - :)

Love ya


Kim said...

We had a GREAT time!!! I was so awesome to meet you and your wonderful family. Can you believe it - I brought the wrong cord for my camera, so you will have to wait until we get home to see the pictures on my camera!!

Jay is glad you guys let me out of the basement. LOL!!!!

Talk to you soon!!!!

Cameo said...

hey, I want pictures!!! And I'm still looking for DJ too.....

JuJu - said...

OK - where is the blog link to Atlanta?????????????????????

JuJu - said...

OH Yeah - I need your address again - I know-I know _
