Friday, July 13, 2007

Playtime in Cerah's Room..... Momma's Helper

Oh my.. have you ever tried to find something and you CAN'T!!! I have been looking for DJ..from the CARS movie............. and can't find it!! I went to Target..Kmart...Walmart..Toyrus...and still NO LUCK!!! I think Granny...Larry's mom is out looking too..... We got him a VSMILE... on clearance and the GREATEST STORE EVER!!! Hey you know :) For $31!!! He wanted one for Christmas so now we have to find something else!!!

Here are few pics to keep you for the weekend... We have a busy one planned. Tonight Derek is going to the fireman's carnival with Larry's parents... if his mom doesn't go to bingo...Cerah is going to..... and Larry and I are going out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Right Larry.. I know you're reading this :) Tomorrow we have a birthday party and Sunday is Derek's party!!!

Cerah trying to figure out how to get out of her crib... she hasn't done it ... YET!!!
One leg.....
Wait Cerah ..I'll show you...because I'm the Know Man!!
I got her mom...she's safe!!
Hey..I was just helping!!!
I'm not doing anything
WHAT DID YOU SAY!!! I'm trying to listen to Pablo sing!!
my BIG helper!!! He loves to vacuum!!! Notice the scrapbooks under the table??? I think Derek has 5 working on 6...Cerah has 2 working on 3... I'm a little behind... like last summer!!! I have pictures piled up...
Don't get up Cerah..

Almost forgot.... 2 more days and we get to meet Kim and Alex!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO


A said...

Have you tried searching on E-bay for the DJ toy? You'd be surprised what you can find on there!!

Anonymous said...

Look how precious!

JuJu - said...

I love it - that is too cute -

WOW - you ARE the scrap book queen -

I am so impressed - I am so much farther behind on that than I can even admit:(:(

I emailed you twice - you did not respond = what's up?????????
