Thursday, July 05, 2007


Not much has happened around here.... I know I have a boring life..JUST KIDDING!!! We went to watch fireworks on both Friday and Saturday. Cerah DOES NOT like them. Derek had a blast. I have pics..they're just in the car and it's raining so I'm not getting them..YOU KNOW SUGAR MELTS WHEN IT GETS WET :)

Other than that not much. Holly and Gia are coming for a visit!!! YAY...Cerah keeps saying Gia's name..I know they'll have a blast. Derek's birthday party is next weekend. So I'm busy getting things ready for that.

Sorry I don't have anything else............ Oh on weight loss this week...... gain .6 :(
I guess having McDee's for dinner the night before..and a cherry pie... didn't help.... :)
Back on track now.... I'm gonna lose 10 lbs before Holly and Miss G get here :)

Holly.... Don't forget your walking shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


JuJu - said...

I am sad you guys are not coming here

EB said...

ummmmmmm cherry pie, now I so want one ;-)

JuJu - said...

OK - I am ready for some new pics of your cuties:)
