Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Presents from Uncle Mikey and Aunt Vena....

Thanks for our presents... I already have almost $50 in my jar and Cerah loves her monkey!!! Here cI am tearing into a present.... HURRY
Listen here Derek.. You may be older than I am but I KNOW how to open presents...
Wait..let me show you a faster way to do this...
I don't know about this kid... he thinks he knows it all!!

Thanks for the Christmas presents... we loved them. Uncle Mikey and Aunt Vena are my uncle and aunt from Indiana.
Ps..we will be sending you guys these pics plus more as soon as I print them off.... Hope you guys read this so you can see these little cuties!! Love and miss you all.


Kim said...

I found your blog through Kya's blog and saw that you asked about kid's clothes for the University of Kentucky. Try this. www.ukbookstore.com Click on Wildcat Korner (on the right hand side), then Youth/Toddler on the left hand side. It looks like they have some cute stuff.

JuJu - said...

They are the cutest - i love both of their noses - I love a cute nose!Weird I guess - but my Erin had the cutest baby nose I have ever seen and JB's is too cute too:)
