Saturday, March 24, 2007

Hair one minute.......Gone the next!!!

I know I said I wasn't posting until Monday but this just COULDN'T wait.... Larry has been talking about shaving his head for about 2 months...and I just took it in one ear and out the other...Now mind you this is the same person it took 12 years to get to FINALLY get married.... Well we got home to day and he said he was doing it TODAY!!!! So here are the pictures of my hubby going bald.... I actually don't think it looks that bad...just gets some getting used to .After all I've been looking at that head for almost 14 years.. (in April we've been together that long..I was a sophomore he was a senior in high school)

Here we go...... Look at the hair for the last time....

Even Derek got to help take Dada's hair off...

Now it's Mommas turn to get in the action. I had to use scissors first, then the clippers, Finally Larry used shaving cream and a razor


Derek's turn again.... look at that mess of a head
What a cute kid...he had alot of fun cutting Larry's hair...let's hope he doesn't get any ideas

Here is all the hair laying on the floor......

AND HERE IS MR CLEAN!!!!!! Still love him.... bald head and all!!!


Kim said...

I think it looks good. Let's just hope that Derek doesn't think that it would be fun to do the same thing to Cerah!!

Anonymous said...

wat 2 go larry!!!!
what nerves

mom (debbiey)

Anonymous said...

Look at don't look like a shy guy anymore, you actually look a little meaner! Just kidding. Love and miss you guys!
