Thursday, March 22, 2007

New Pics... A Sad Day for Momma and A VERY SAD day for Dada

Well today was a sad day for this momma.... I went to register Derek for Kindergarten.... can you believe he's going already!!! He seemed to enjoy visiting his new school. He wanted to know where the garden was. How cute is that. In June he has his testing to see where he's at in learning I guess... I tell ya what he's a pretty smart kid for 4.... I know every mom says that but I'm amazed at the things he knows already. SOOOO PROUD!!! Cerah has learned to climb..ON EVERYTHING.. today I caught her climbing on Derek's train table... bad bad girl!!

SAD SAD NEWS FOR DADA: Tubby Smith is leaving Kentucky Basketball :( :( :( That's Larry's FAVORITE team. Our licence plate on the car even says UKHOOPS..... poor dada.. BUT he's still a fan no matter who is coaching... I think we're gonna go to visit there on one of our vacations...we'll see..

Now for new pics....I'm still getting caught up..... I NEED TO STOP TAKING SOO MANY PICTURES... I carry my camera everywhere I go..:):):):)

Derek and his new bed... He told me he wasn't sleeping in his room anymore... this was his new bed

It's made of about 4 blankets..Holly do you see the blue one... and a laundry basket

TRICKER.... that's the word he uses when he's lying...I'm trickin you..... he wasn't really asleep

TA DA...How cute is this little man!!!

Derek and his pal Peja

Cerah trying to carry my purse.... her new favorite toy

This thing is TOOOO heavy!!! HELP!!!!

WHY is there never any money in here??? That's all I want out of it...

Maybe if I hide under my highchair I can get it open

POOR PEJA.... she looks sooo sad...all she ever does is lay around waiting for Cerah to "DROP" food

HEY HOLLY: DCA IS AN AIRPORT IN DC!!! remember from the game 1 vs 100??? Thought you'd like to know...


JuJu - said...

I cannot wait to meet Derek and play with him - he is my kind of kid!! I know you are going to miss him when he is in school:) I remember how hard that day was - all four times!

Derek reminds me of my Curtis:):):) He still has me wrapped around his finger - and he is 19:):)


Kim said...

Hey!! I live in Kentucky!! (not a UK fan - an Ohio State fan) I think Tubby was VERY smart in his move. He was probably going to get canned.

If you guys do come here for a vacation, let me know. I'd love to meet up with you guys!