Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Pictures by Derek........... Dora anyone???

Derek asked me if he could take a few pictures yesterday. These are the ones I didn't delete..... Deleted pictures included...pillows, the bed, a ball on the floor, a piece of string and his VERY messy room...What can ya say...he's too funny... Maybe a camera for him this year???

What a pretty little sister...this was after she learned how to climb on the couch... GREAT

His prized possession..his Firetrucks... I think he has about 25...

Pictures form the TV...any guess on what we were watching???

I guess not much else happened today. I started putting ribbon on the votive cups for the wedding....there are about 100!!! What was I comes the little crystals..... I also made a dessert for the people Larry works with... I'm such a nice person..LARRY you better have not forgot to take it...Any Ferguson people who work with him at 1919.... If you don't have a cake today..IT'S ALL LARRY'S FAULT!!!!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Derek takes better pictures than I do!!! Get that boy a camera.