Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter...NO more bottle...trash girl...

Ok so I know it's ALOT of pictures...but I couldn't decide..I still have PLENTY more.... We had a great Easter and I hope you all did as well. The day started about 7 am.... Derek came into our room...face glowing..he got the car he wanted.."The King" from Cars that's what he wants. Cerah really could have cared less. She followed Derek around while he looked for was COLD so we had our egg hunt inside :(... She liked playing with the eggs better. We then went to Larry's parents house for the day. Where they got another basket. It was alot of fun and it was great to spend the day with family. My parents didn't have dinner. But, being the GREAT daughter that i am I did take them a dessert...
Lets color eggs...she wanted to make sure no dye got in her face...

I think Dada had alittle TOOO much fun....

Look at the pro... He couldn't wait to get his eggs colored... he too cute

Baskets from the Easter Bunny.... Mom and Dad got all the left over candy... they got some good stuff...candy, movies, kites, car (for Derek), and My little Pony(for Cerah)


Proud kid and all his eggs.....notice one missing???? Cerah dropped it on the floor and proceeded to smash it to bits...

This was Cerah's favorite thing to do...put Derek's bball hoop on her head...I guess we have another player

How funny.... do ya like the jammies??? Gift from Larry's mom.... Gia, I know YOU LOVE THEM

Miss priss and her basket, at Granny and Dugie's house, This dress I got in October at the Carter outlet for $3.00!!!! I got her another one too...Sorry about the tights and sandals.....thought it was gonna be a warmer day...

How do I carry this thing???

HANDSOME BOY....... It took alot of persuading to get him into something else besides bball shorts and a tank top...THAT"S ALL he wears...he now has a bball outfit for everyday of the week!!!!
STOP taking pictures.... Can't you see I'm hunting for my eggs???
Mom, stop I'm trying to play in the basket.She spent most of the day climbing in and out of the basketDerek and his Grandpa Dugie(his favorite person..besides momma and Dada)
CERAH is off her bottle!!!!! YEAH so proud of that kid!!!
Tonight as I was getting her ready for bed. She was trying to stay awake, I finished changing her and got her diaper ready to throw away... I said..Trash
AND SHE TOOK IT TO THE TRASH AND THREW IT AWAY!!! So smart that little one...
WHAT A POST... Now I'm gonna go to bed....

1 comment:

JuJu - said...

Glad you guys had a great Easter!!!

Your kids are beautiful!
