Saturday, May 05, 2007

Stephanie's Bridal Shower...

Here are some pictures from Stephanie's bridal shower. We had alot of fun. They food was yummy and the cupcakes even better. We had cupcakes instead of a cake. The lady who is making their wedding cake made them for us. Her shower was a gift card/ gift certificate shower. She got alot for her FAVORITE store Victoria's Secret... They prizes we gave out were gift cards too. 1 to Bath and Body Works, 1 to Daily Grind, and 2 to Coldstone...
Tammi and I got her a REALLY nice gift....
Her shower was suppose to be outside BUT it was COLD AND RAINY... at her baby shower it snowed!!! So we had to move it inside at the last minute. Do you know what its like calling about 35 people 2 days before a shower?? CRAZY!!!

Kayla and Dalton... he wanted to run...
Everyone watching Steph open her presents...
Stephanie and her SEXY honeymoon attire...the gift from me and Tammi :)

New underwear
Sexy nightgown
Me and Stephanie.. I was keeping a list of gifts
YUMMY FOOD!!! I did make most of the food low fat... since I was still one knew the difference
LOOK AT THOSE... they were the only things FAT FREE..Yeah right!!

Cameo..My next post is dedicated to you... I'll post tomorrow... :)

1 comment:

Cameo said...

That looks like so much fun! I hate showers, all of them, but this one looked cool! Those cupcakes look to DIE for!!!! Yummy! And doth I spy Holly's fave in the background.... choc covered strawberries???