Thursday, May 03, 2007

Future Fireman and Bride to be...

OK so I found a few more pics from when we were at my mom's... Couldn't leave those out. The pics of Cerah are when she was trying on Steph's veil for the party.. She was so cute...

Gaga's shed is on "fire"...he sprayed water on it until the smoke was gone.... according to him
More of our future fireman
The Bride to be...what am I thinking...she can't grow up yet!! I'll have to save these for when she gets married.WHAT am I saying!!!
How cute is this!!!
LOVE her to pieces

1 comment:

Kim said...

My bro and sis-in-law had a picture montage at their wedding reception. They had pictures of themselves growing up and then together when they were dating. You SO need to save those pictures of Cerah for her wedding montage. But don't worry - it will be a long time from now!!!!