Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Lots of pictures....last ones from Indiana... then some new ones I PROMISE!!!

Finally I have come to the end of the Indiana pictures..YAY... I know , I know.. I take way toooo many pictures... Hey they're only little once right. At least I can still get pictures of Cerah..Derek usually runs when he sees I have the camera pointed towards him :)
Dada lifting Cerah over the gate...she was NOT happy that she had to stay on the porch while Derek and Dad played on the driveway
Finally she got to play too.. the ball was as big as she was
LOVE this was the night before we left and we were all sitting on the porch
Too cute!!!
I got a picture of Derek..only because he was at the other end of the porch and didn't know I was taking the picture :)
WHISTLING!!!! He can whistle VERY well..sometimes he drives us crazy with it.People see us in stores..where he whistles the WHOLE time we're in there..and say..he does that very well...Yeah well come stay at our house for 10 minutes and See how well you like it!!
What's in my toes?? Notice the tongue!!
I wanna play basketball too...
Great shot Derek

FAVORITE picture of him...looks like a pro!!!
Yeah..I know I'm cute
The camera is still here...
A self pictures of Derek... after he took ...
THIS........Me and Larry asleep on the floor... Cerah was napping and we all laid down to watch TV..well Mr Man got up and started taking pictures..I deleted about 20 of them that were of his toys, the clock and anything else he thought needed a picture!!


Cameo said...

LOVE the pictures that Derek took!!! Too cute!!!

Kim said...

Is that a Thomas blanket you are sleeping under?!? ;O Love it!! Derek takes better pictures than I do!!!