Thursday, June 14, 2007

Top Chef and Top kids

My FAVORITE show ever came back on last night..TOP CHEF... I love it. It amazes me what these people can do... some of it I wouldn't last night a guy made..eel and rattlesnake..but others look soooo yummmy

Now for the top kids... how cute is this picture.... don't lie you know you love it..(Cerah with her fingers in her mouth. Derek did this until we took his stuffed cow away..she just does it...any ideas how to get her to stop?? I don't' need a 10 year old walking around with fingers in her mouth :)


Kim said...

That is a GREAT picture!! Derek has the cutest smile. (and I don't know what to tell you about the fingers)

Cameo said...

love the picture and I LOVE TOP CHEF TOO!!!!! I tivo'd it last night and started watching it today w/mom. She's all in to it too. We'll finish it later. I LOVE TOM!!!! Is it just me or is he kinda hot?

JuJu - said...

THAT is the cutest pic I have EVER seen on your blog - I LOVE it:):)


HollyGee said...

Tom is HOT!!!! You know I have a thing for old men:) I LOVE Top Chef and Hell's Kitchen is on now, too.

Love the picture Solt. No idea what to tell you about the fingers. As long as she's not sticking them up her butt, you're safe.

Jennifer said...

Hell's Kitchen is back on???? I have missed that show. They look so adorable. The only thing I have heard to do about the fingers is put something bitter on them but not harmful. Somthing she wont like maybe mint or cinnamon. You just dont want her to rub her eyes. I will look at see what I can find. I remember reading something aboiut it in one of my parenting boys. I love Cerahs hat!! They could never deny each other as brother and sister