Monday, June 25, 2007

YAY He Did It!!!!!!

So I took Derek to "camp" this morning and at first he said don't leave yet... BUT NO TEARS!!! Then he saw his favorite group leader Miss Emily..and he looked at me and said "Bye Mom"
YAY..I'm soooo glad he's getting better at this....

And in Cerah news: I gave her her lunch and proceeded to was up some dishes...I look up and here she is CRAWLING ACROSS THE COUNTER! She climbed out of her highchair and got on the counter.....


Cameo said...

OH.MY.GOSH. On BOTH counts!!! Cerah crawling across the counter and Derek not crying! Yay to one, boo to the other!LOL

Kim said...

Way to go Derek!!! Good for him.

Cerah - Yikes!! At least you found her before she fell off!!!