Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow in VA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It finally snowed...then iced. Derek has been off school for 2 days and Cerah is chasing him around pissing him off. We did go out and play for awhile yesterday and they had fun. I was hoping they would go to bed early, no such luck. But we had fun anyway.

My little snow bunnies

Playing..making snow angels

Cerah got a mouth full of snow...

I'll get you mom for making fun of me

Making a fort...too bad it wasn't good packing snow

My favorite picture!!!

Working hard


Hope you guys are having fun in your snow too...if you had any.


A said...

I live in North Eastern Indiana, which has just been pounded by yet another snow storm. The friday before christmas there was an ice storm. then we had a huge snow storm two weeks ago, and another one last night. I am so sick of snow it's not even funny. I could handle the snow if the temp. was normal for this time of year, but we are averaging 10 degrees below normal every day. Please, please send spring soon! LOL

ambrlyn8 said...

We had lots of snow and ICE last week. Its still cold now, and the snow is still on the ground, but by the weekend its gonna be 50. WTH is that all about??? lol

Kim said...

Wooo Whooo - that's awesome!!!

Griz said...

Delaney was all about making snow angels during that snow too. I'm getting the hang of things here but I didn't respond for so long because I didn't realize I had a comment. I figured I would be alerted somehow.