So this will be one of those posts where you either agree or not. You can get mad or not..
OK so for as many years as I can remember there have been people who have complained to no end about teams and their players. " This team has better players" " Why does this team seem like they play better together" " Why is this county better than our county"
I am so tired to hear about parents complaining yet don't do anything to help their kids along. No extra practice, no summer leagues, no support to get them that good.
I say all this because I believe that kids will do better if they have support from their families. NOT only when they do great but try hard and get the job done. It may not be a win, but it was FUN!!!
Prime example:
One county complains that their county is not " as good" as the other county. Her is why:
The other county starts playing their kids in instructional leagues at 5!! Not the 2ND/3rd grade. Derek is playing basketball in the "other county" where the kids start at 5/6 years old.
Derek's "league" has 6 teams of 10 players each. That's 60 kids already playing at 5 years old!!!
Get with the program, get your kids out there, help them, show them you're interested in what they do.
Do you think Derek would have been able to dribble a ball at age 2 if we didn't show him how fun it was? Kids learn by example, set a good one for yours.
Oh and the most important thing about being a "Sports Parent"
I have seen so many parents yell, scream and throw fits.
I ask Who is the adult?
I know sometimes things don't' go the way you want them to go, there are always going to be bad calls. Remember:
I know exactly what you are talking about, especially the screaming parents.
When my oldest decided she wanted to play soccer last year, as parents we had to sign a form saying we would respect the coach and the other teams and act civil. But yet when we went to games, the parents from the other teams were foul mouthed and I was embarrassed for them.
Here is a mother screaming that the ref f*cking sucks, with her two year old sitting on her lap. Umm, yeah nice example you're setting there!
Unfortunately, everyone wants something for nothing. I totally agree that you have to work to get what you want. When I played sports, if you didn't apply yourself, your ass rode the pine!! I was benched once for not working hard enough, and you better believe I came back to the next practice and gave my all. It paid off, too.
You are so right. A lot of this stuff is what that guy from Duke said when he came here last year to speak. Unfortunately, the parents who NEEDED to hear it weren't there, typically. I tried to keep my composure a lot better this year b/c of it. There are SO MANY bad sports parents out there. i have seen EVERY bad example this Duke guy talked about. EVERY one. Can't believe people would use the F word at a kids youth league game. Idiot! People just amaze me. Everyone also thinks they know more than the coach, and that their kids are all STARS. Ugh. Of course you know why I sit behind the team at our games! ;-)
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